How can you come up with ideas for content?
Today’s world is awash with information. How can you build a strong online presence? How do you ensure your content isn’t ignored?
In this podcast Sharon Tanton shares her tips on valuable content:
- How to generate content ideas;
- How small businesses can win customers with valuable content – including examples of content created by financial advisers, a web design agency, and a law firm;
- How to create engaging content even if you’re in a boring industry;
- Why you don’t need to worry about giving content away for free.

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A quick summary: 9 tips for generating valuable content
- Start with your customer. Think about the most commonly asked questions. Each question can become the title of a blog post; and in the post you answer the question.
- Focus deeper. Don’t worry about generating a wide selection of content ideas. In-depth content helps build your expertise; and is also good for SEO.
- Consider each stage of the buying process. Potential buyers require different information at different stages of the buying process.
- Not everyone likes reading. Create a podcast or record a video. Videos can make you more approachable. Be sure to add subtitles!
- Create numbered lists. They provide a quick read for people.
- Be involved in your community. Participate in forums and read other blogs to find inspiration.
- Show who you are: Financial directors F-works create a newsletter that shows they understand the emotional side of being an entrepreneur. Each newsletter talks about a concept like freedom or focus. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep in touch with prospects and customers. As the newsletter is shared, it also helps F-works win new business.
- Share how you’d like to do business. Web design agency Yoke does Great things for good people. They avoided cold calling when they launched their business by writing blog posts about web design and sustainability; and by connecting with potential clients on Twitter.
- Don’t worry about giving away information for free. Scottish lawyers Inksters share the latest news on crofting law without concern about losing business. Bryony Thomas calls this commercial karma – you’ll be repaid at some time for all the stuff you give away for free!

Not sure what to write about this week?
Call a few customers and ask what questions you can answer. Be helpful. Be relevant. And let your personality shine through.
Further reading as mentioned in the interview:
How to get to know your customers (opens a pdf)
A free chapter of the book Valuable Content Marketing (opt-in required)
Sharon Tanton is Creative Director at Valuable Content and co-author of the book Valuable Content Marketing. Connect on Twitter: @sjtanton.
Great podcast Henneke. It made a welcome change from BBC Radio 4 while I’m working – and I learnt a few things!
Thank you for taking the time to let me know, Denise. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Hi Henneke! I’ll pipe up and say I prefer text blog posts, rather than being stuck in one place listening for much longer. So – I sure appreciate that you had a nice summary so that I still felt like I read the article until I was able to listen to the podcast this weekend.
And loved the information, thanks! 🙂
To be honest, I wasn’t sure about writing the summary – it’s extra work and I wondered whether it would dissuade people from listening to the podcast. In the end I decided that was the wrong way to think about it. Some people prefer reading and others prefer listening, so let’s have both options. You’re confirming that was the right way to do it. 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, Rose. I appreciate it 🙂
Thanks for putting out a podcast! I love listening in my car as I’m commuting. 🙂
My favorite takeaway was the advice to be as helpful as you can by sharing great content on your website. Sharon pointed out that people can really find anything they want on the internet these days, so you might as well be the one to provide that helpful information. I recently read elsewhere that consulting or freelance businesses are no longer about selling information (because it’s everywhere), but about selling your expertise. So sharing free, helpful advice on your website can help demonstrate to potential clients your level of expertise and help gain their trust and business.
I also definitely think you should do a video! 🙂
Hi Jen – I used to listen to podcasts all the time when I was commuting. So much better than the radio 🙂
I like your point about selling expertise instead of information. I hadn’t heard it before, but it’s so true!
Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. And I’ll think about the video… 😉
PS Next podcast will be out on 19 March!
I will waiting for it! 😀
Thanks, Danial 🙂
Excellent article, very helpful!
Thank you
You’re welcome. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment 🙂
Are you looking to revive your blog?